Superheated Neurons Ring A Ding Board Game, , large image number 0
Superheated Neurons Ring A Ding Board Game, , large image number 1
Superheated Neurons Ring A Ding Board Game, , large image number 0
Superheated Neurons Ring A Ding Board Game, , large image number 1
Superheated Neurons Ring A Ding Board Game, , large image number 0
Superheated Neurons Ring A Ding Board Game, , large image number 1
Superheated Neurons Ring A Ding Board Game, , large image number 0
Superheated Neurons Ring A Ding Board Game, , large image number 1


Superheated Neurons Ring A Ding Board Game
85.00 AED
ID 85_19021_000

Players place a bell in the center of the table, shuffle a deck of cards, and lay out 72 elastic hair bands within reach of all the players. One card is revealed, and players race to assemble the right combination of hair bands in the right order on the proper fingers of one hand.

The first player to hit the bell with the band-bedecked hand wins the card if the bands are placed correctly, of course. If the player goofed, then the player not only doesn't claim a card; he loses a card previously claimed. The first player to collect five cards wins.